Creation of the Ministry of Deregulation and Transformation of the State

On 4 July 2024, the executive branch issued National Decree 585/2024, (“Decree”), which introduced the creation of the Ministry of Deregulation and State Transformation (“Ministry”).

The most relevant functions that the decree grants to the Ministry will be among them,

  1. To participate in the determination of the objectives and policies of the area of its responsibility.
  2. To implement the plans, programmes and projects in the area of its competence, drawn up in accordance with the directives of the Executive Branch.
  3. Collaborate, together with the relevant areas, in the formulation, elaboration and implementation of national policy and projects related to economic deregulation and state reform.
  4. Contribute to the simplification and reduction of the State, eliminating unnecessary, duplicated and/or obsolete tasks, with the intervention of the corresponding areas.
  5. Design policies to increase competitiveness, eliminate bureaucratic burdens, facilitate the functioning of markets, promote credit, reduce regulations and controls, increase economic freedom and reduce the costs of the private and productive sector, in coordination with the competent areas of the National Public Administration.
  6. Promote the necessary actions for the issuance of administrative acts that favour the simplification and/or eliminate restrictions to the supply of goods and services, as well as regulations that distort market prices, in coordination with the competent areas of the National Public Administration.
  7. Participate, together with the competent areas, in the review of tax schemes, tax exemptions and special regimes that generate privileges or distortions in the functioning of markets and the economy.
  8. Promote, in coordination with the relevant areas, structural reforms that foster private job creation, economic development, the equalisation of tax structures and the elimination of privileges.
  9. Propose the reorganisation of the National Public Sector to achieve greater economy, efficiency, effectiveness and rationalisation of its administrative structures, reducing its over-dimensioning.
  10. Suggest to the different jurisdictions and entities of the National Public Administration the implementation of measures to improve the quality and efficiency of management and public spending.
  11. Design policies that promote the improvement of the organisation and functioning of the National Public Administration, with the aim of reducing public spending and moving towards a modern and efficient administration.
  12. Coordinate and control the actions of reform, transformation and modernisation of the State in all Ministries, Secretariats of the Presidency of the Nation and decentralised bodies of the National Public Administration.
  13. Define and monitor the simplification of formalities and processes of the centralised and decentralised National Public Administration and deconcentrated bodies, with special emphasis on the national productive sector, in coordination with the relevant areas.
  14. Promote the principles of regulatory quality and the application of international standards in simplification and bureaucratisation of procedures and processes of the National Public Sector.
  15. Promote, together with the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers, reform and modernisation processes across the National Public Sector, in coordination with the provincial and local public sectors, promoting a common agenda of regulatory improvement that includes policies of regulatory review, deregulation, simplification and bureaucratisation, and promoting the use of technological tools
  16. Propose regulations to modify and/or eliminate formalities and regulations that establish an excessive administrative burden or that do not comply with the regulatory quality policy in force.
  17.  Transform, modernise and develop the public employment management policy, optimising and strengthening the human resources of the National Public Administration, together with the competent areas.
  18. Designing and implementing the staff income regime, establishing parameters for a public career in accordance with collective bargaining agreements.
  19. Implement policies to strategically improve human resources and their training, the public sector wage policy, the promotion and career development of National Public Administration agents, and propose regulations in this area.
  20. To formulate national policies on human resources, selection and entry procedures, public employment management, performance evaluations and compensation, within the scope of its competence.
  21. Collaborate with the competent areas of each Ministry in the systematisation of the processes of human resources administration of the National Public Administration, such as salary settlement, justification of absences, granting and validation of leaves of absence and occupational health protection.
  22. Participate in the design, development and implementation of public policies for institutional strengthening and promotion of integrity policies in the civil service, in coordination with the agencies of the National State with competences in the matter.
  23. Coordinate, together with the competent areas, the strategy and standards on information technologies, associated communications and other electronic information processing systems of the National Public Administration.
  24. Promote the incorporation and improvement of processes, technologies, IT infrastructure and management systems of the National Public Sector.
  25. Promote, in coordination with the competent areas, the implementation of digital channels and platforms to achieve a digital and technological government at the service of citizens and the productive sector.
  26.  Participate in the elaboration and execution of policies for the development, use and promotion of public software, its interoperability, standardisation and reuse by the National State.
  27. Promote agreements with provincial and local bodies, within the scope of its competence.

Finally, the government announced by decree 585/2024, the appointment of Federico Sturzenegger as the new Minister of Deregulation and Transformation. 

The decree came into force on 5 July 2024.

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