Changes in the Foreign Exchange Market

On November 28, 2024, the Central Bank of Argentina (“BCRA”) issued Communication “A” 8133 (the “Communication”) which introduced modifications to the exchange market regulations, offering new options to make advance payments and carry out exchange transactions both for imports of goods and services.

  1. Imports of Services
    Advance payments to unrelated international suppliers are allowed, provided they are made through exchange or arbitrage with funds in foreign currency deposited in local banks.
  2. Import of Goods
    New alternatives are established to make advance payments for imports, even when the customs process has not been completed.

    – Immediate and Deferred Payments:
    Payments may be made through swap or arbitrage operations using foreign currency funds deposited in local banks. In addition, it is possible to make payments simultaneously with financing received in foreign currency from local entities.

    – Advance Payments for Capital Goods:
    Payments for the import of capital goods may be made through swap transactions with funds in foreign currency accounts, or together with the settlement of credits granted by local banks.
    It is important to note that if the import involves goods other than capital goods, these may only be included if they represent less than 10% of the total value of the transaction and are necessary for the installation or use of the capital goods purchased.
  3. Financing of Imported Services
    Access to the foreign exchange market is facilitated for operations financed through credit granted by local entities, provided that the terms and amounts are compatible with the regulations in force for the type of service contracted.
  4. Exchange and Arbitrage Operations
    Exchange and arbitrage operations are expanded, allowing the transfer of funds abroad associated with the prepayments of goods and services described above.

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