The payment of lodging fees for television and radio broadcasting content is repealed

On November 4, 2024, Resolution 2/24 (the “Resolution”), issued by the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers and the Ministry of Justice, was published in the Official Gazette retroactively repealing Joint Resolution No. 2/19 of the former Ministry of Justice and the former Government Secretariat of Tourism.

Resolution No. 2/19 had established that lodging establishments had to pay fees for television and radio broadcasting contents offered to their guests. However, with the modification introduced by Decree No. 765/24, it is clarified that these contents do not constitute a public performance, since lodging spaces are considered private.

Thus, the new Resolution establishes that the payment of such fees is not required in these cases and provides legal certainty by excluding these services from the category of public performance, aligning with recent regulatory changes.

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